internal package
Foswiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::HTML2TML::WC NO_TML | Flag that gets passed down into generator functions. Constrains output to HTML only. |
NO_BLOCK_TML | Flag that gets passed down into generator functions. Don't generate block TML e.g. tables, lists |
NOP_ALL | Flag that gets passed down into generator functions. NOP all variables and WikiWords. |
BLOCK_TML | Flag passed up from generator functions; set if expansion includes block TML |
VERY_CLEAN | Flag passed to indicate that HTML must be aggressively cleaned (unrecognised or unuseful tags stripped out) |
BR2NL | Flag set to force BR tags to be converted to newlines. |
KEEP_WS | Set to force the generator to keep all whitespace. Otherwise whitespace gets collapsed (as it is when HTML is rendered) |
PROTECTED | In a block marked as PROTECTED |
KEEP_ENTITIES | Don't decode HTML entities |
$NBSP | Non-breaking space |
$NBBR | Non-breaking linebreak |
$CHECKn | there must be an adjacent newline (\n or $NBBR) |
$CHECKs | there must be an adjacent space (' ' or $NBSP) |
$CHECKw | There must be adjacent whitespace (\s or $NBBR or $NBSP) |
$CHECK1 | Marks the start of an inline wikiword. |
$CHECK2 | Marks the end of an inline wikiword. |
$TAB | Shorthand for an indent level in a list |