##Creating Boot Installation Media A brief description of this part of the process includes downloading the network installer images, writing them to a USB memory stick, and then customizing the boot options and parameters to instruct the installation to retrieve an `autoyast.xml` file from the network.

In `/infosys/auto_inst/openSUSE-/ISO`, download the "NET" versions of the ISO install image x86_64 architecture.
     wget http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/<version>/openSUSE-<version>-NET-x86_64.iso

Plug in the USB stick, and figure out what device it is. This info is usually in `dmesg` or the system's syslog file. It is typically named in the fasion `/dev/sdX`, where X will be different among systems and depend on how many drives are already mounted. If it is mounted, unmount it.

Make sure imagewriter is installed locally, then launch it as root
Tell it which image you wish to write, and which device to target.

When that is complete, you have a bootable USB device to auto-install machine with.

Upon boot, choose "Installation", and then append the linux kernel execution line with:
while making sure auto.xml is linked to the appropriate version of the autoyast config.

-- DavidLeBlanc - 2019-10-07

This topic: SysAdmin > WebHome > Methodology > AutomatedInstallation > LinuxInstall
Topic revision: 2019-10-07, DavidLeBlanc
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