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Results from Main web retrieved at 08:45 (Local)

%IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then=' How to add the first administrator If you haven\'t previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: (Note:...
For Edit permission on SysAdmin Help Documents.
%IF{ "istopic '.Default'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" }% Oct 2019 ...
Number of topics: 3

Results from CMSUserHelp web retrieved at 08:45 (Local)

New User Orientation Welcome to the Computer Science Department. The following information will help you get the most out of your account here in CS, whether you ...
Intro Since there is a pressing need for the use of containers in a specific way, this document will begin limited to that specific context, and then branch from ...
ABET Project for EAS Comm Office We were approached by the E AS Communications Office to provide them with a platform for them to complete their ABET project (Acc...
%IF{ "istopic '.Default'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" }% Oct 2019 ...
Number of topics: 4

Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 08:45 (Local)

SysAdmin Misc Main.DavidLeBlanc 2019 10 04
Main.DavidLeBlanc 2022 10 18
%IF{ "istopic '.Default'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" }% Oct 2019 ...
Number of topics: 3

Results from SysAdmin web retrieved at 08:45 (Local)

Model The overall CMS model is that no live permanent data should be stored on any machine in production. This empowers systems administration to quickly and rel...
Historically, Caltech Computer Science Department was among the first to implement configuration management as part of its system administration philosophy. %TWIS...
Main.DavidLeBlanc 2019 10 17
The following documents concern the Emerson PDU units (the power strips in the cabinets) * Ann 1T1 Eaton PDU Cut Sheet.pdf * Ann 1T1 Eaton PDU Guide.pdf M...
The following documents concern the Emerson in cabinet PDU units. * Ann 1T1 Emerson Cabinet PDU Cut Sheet.pdf * Ann 1T1 Emerson Cabinet PDU Guide.pdf Main...
Background There always has existed an administrative need for tracking and cataloging physical devices under one's administrative control, from the simple perspe...
This cannot/probably should not be done over the web. Hence, there is a web server running internally, but that service only hands out JNLP files, which run a Jav...
Our global entry into the registry of object identifiers (OIDs): http://www.oid From that page is a web archived explanation of...
The following documents concern the Liebert CRAC unit (the 1T1 environmental HVAC unit) * Ann 1T1 Liebert CRAC Cut Sheet.pdf * Ann 1T1 Liebert CRAC Guide.pd...
##Creating Boot Installation Media A brief description of this part of the process includes downloading the network installer images, writing them to a USB memory...
Check for a blocked MAC address bin/ Main.DavidLeBlanc 2019 10 17
With most innovations or changes in methodology, a philosophy must be formed to successfully accomplish stated goals efficiently, while remaining true to the rati...
This section of the wiki concerns the operations of the CMS department. Currently, the main server facility for CMS is located in 1T1 Annenberg, building number 1...
Power Outages Currently, only one rack size Uninterruptable Power Supply exists. This means that critical components of the infrastructure are kept in one rack, i...
Main.DavidLeBlanc 2019 10 17
Simply, signing a repository, packages do not necessarily need to be signed, and vice versa. Doing both seems like overkill. So, seems like signing a repository i...
The following documents concern the Rittal LCP units (the side car refrigeration units). * Ann 1T1 Rittal LCP Cut Sheet Mechanical.pdf * Ann 1T1 Rittal LCP ...
LetsEncrypt is an easy, free way to have X.509 (SSL) Certificates on a web server. Rather than install the certificate files manually, they provide a handy utilit...
Since most of the hosts in CS are multi user, such as machines in the ANN 104 lab, it is necessary to implement password/account controls to reduce the number of ...
Top 100 Generals in History Pat and I are naming newly constructed hosts (within CMS) after famous generals in history. Top 100 Generals Top 100 Generals (if the ...
Intro Main.DavidLeBlanc 2019 10 07
%IF{ "istopic '.Default'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" }% Oct 2019 ...
Number of topics: 22

Results from System web retrieved at 08:45 (Local)

Interactive Login in CMS with 2FA After enrolling a TOTP token with the procedure from System/CMS_2FA , it is quite simple to use the One Time Password (OTP) t...
%IF{ "istopic '.Default'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" }% Oct 2019 ...
Number of topics: 2
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